Is Diet Pop Bad For You?

Is Diet pop bad for you?

A question I encounter more than almost any other in the industry! Quite often I’ll find myself drinking a Coke Zero or a 0 calorie monster and some one will confront me asking isn’t that bad for you? Now I’m not a medical practitioner so I can’t speak completely on health benefits I can only speak from the standpoint of a personal trainer. I would say that Diet pop isn’t bad for and can actually be a good health driver depending on your use of it. 

Diet pop can help you eliminate liquid calories from your diet making it easier for you to get into a calorie deficit. If you are a person who is consuming a lot of full sugar pop for the taste and you simply can’t quit drinking them and switch to drinking water instead but you like the taste of diet pop switching to diet pop instead of full sugar pop can drastically reduce your calorie intake in a day aiding in weight loss! I think we can all agree that the negative health effects of being obese are worse than the potential risks associated with ingredients in diet pop specifically aspartame.

So how much aspartame is too much? Well the safe dosage is equivalent of up to 21 cans of diet pop a day….. that’s a lot of diet pop! So you probably don’t have to worry about drinking the lethal dose but if that is something you have to worry about you may want to consider finding a strategy to drink less diet pop and more water. 

In closing you won’t gain weight from drinking diet pop and it may actually help you lose weight and it’s not going to kill because the lethal does is so high. Next week I’ll talk about some potential negative effects of diet pop and how to navigate them! If you enjoyed this post please check out Stephanie Buttermore video on YouTube about the topic or message me questions I’m perfectly happy to discuss the topic! 


Can diet pop make you gain weight? 

A common thing I run into is people still believing that diet pop makes you gain weight. The other day I was drinking a Coke Zero and a lady questioned me “you’re drinking pop really?” I responded with Coke Zero yes to which she responded with “don’t let my husband see you he’s not allowed to drink pop” I kinda just left the conversation there but she could have either not known what Coke Zero is and that it has no calories or she’s under the impression that diet pops still make you gain weight. 

So is she wrong? Does diet pop make you gain weight? Well the answer is it depends! 

Hear me out, can you just drink diet pop and gain weight….. well no most have 0-10 calories and even if they’re all 10 calories that’s still a lot of diet pop to get into a calorie surplus and gain weight. However some people crave more sweet things when they consume sweet things. So when they drink a diet pop they then crave more sweet and over consume on other things! Diet pops aren’t magic you can’t just drink them and lose weight they don’t have any thermo-metabolic effects they’re just low calorie so can assist you in losing weight. 

So if you’re going to lose weight with the aid of diet pop strategies I suggest a few strategies. Replace calorie beverages with zero calorie options. Drink lots of water and limit zero calorie beverages if you crave sweet things. Try to avoid consuming a lot of sugars in a day as they’re low in satiation and it will be easier for you to over consume!


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